Imagine for a moment that it was possible to save time, money, aggravation and business reputation without spending a nickel (that’s 4 pence at today’s rates). Surprise! It is possible.
As a result of the pandemic, businesses have been confronted with unprecedented issues to resolve. However, some issues are not so unprecedented. They are caused by employees letting their guard down within the presumed safety of their homes.
Smile! Your Network Password Is on Facebook
A proud friend recently sent me a picture of her adorable kindergartner sitting at his desk following his teacher’s virtual instruction. On his desk was a yellow sticky on which was written the password to his computer and the family Wi-Fi network. I quickly alerted her to the problem before she posted the photo to Facebook.
Last week someone posted a photo on LinkedIn showing his cool trader’s desk set up that his company had shipped to him so he could work from home. Besides the fact he was advertising to thieves where they can steal some expensive equipment, the employee’s screens were live with confidential data showing.
It seems obvious, but I suggest you remind employees not to share photos showing their work space. This is especially important given the increase in video-conferencing. Employees should use a fake background and put away anything on their desks in camera view.
Speak Up So We Can Get Your Bad Business Practice Statement in the Transcript
“I don’t memorize the stats – I write some random numbers on a piece of paper in the parking lot before I meet with the doc.” Do you really want to record (and then memorialize with a written transcript) a rogue pharma rep making this statement during a video conference?
Unless there is a specific reason to do so, do not use the record function on your video conferencing app. You don’t record meetings when you’re sitting around a conference room table, why suddenly start in the midst of a pandemic? The videos and transcripts are now part of company records that may be discoverable in litigation or viewed during a government investigation.
And don’t forget to schedule a meeting with human resources, legal and the rogue rep.
Let’s Use Mom’s Trading Desk Screen for Game-sharing
Feet up on desk, game on one screen, three best friends’ faces on the other three screens. Perfect way for a 14-year old quarantined student to stay connected. The problem is that he is using his mother’s company-issued trading desk.
Do not share any company device with family members. It is not a question of trusting family members not to look at confidential files. All it takes is one click on malware or an unknown person joining a group video game to allow a hacker access to your employer’s systems.
Would the Last Person out Shut off the Lights – and the Guest Network Password?
Meanwhile back at the office . . . Given there are no employees in the office, there certainly are not any authorized visitors. So, why is the guest network password still active?
Employer Tip
As much as I would like to think otherwise, many employees do not read policy manuals. I recommend employers send out a key compliance policy point each day in simplified terms. Employees are juggling a lot right now, so keep it short and employees will read it before clicking delete.
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