On December 20, 2022, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) updated its FATCA Fillable PDF Form. Specifically, IRAS updated the form to include a drop down box allowing the filer to indicate which jurisdiction issued the TIN. This drop down box is located on page 2 of the form in “Section B. Account Holder or Payee Information.”
The FATCA Return PDF form must be submitted electronically to IRAS through myTaxPortal (mytax.iras.gov.sg). The form cannot be printed and mailed to IRAS for filing.
IRAS stated that Reporting Singapore Financial Institutions (SGFIs) that intend to file their FATCA return via the Fillable PDF Form are strongly encouraged to use the updated FATCA PDF Fillable Form.
For assistance, please contact me via my contact page or at elizabeth@elizabethmcmorrowlaw.com.